Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers
  • A person who sustained a bodily injury in the accident (except a driver who was the sole cause of the accident);
  • A dependent of a deceased breadwinner;
  • A close relative of the deceased who paid for​ the funeral; and
  • A claimant under the age of 18 years must be assisted by a parent, legal guardian or curator ad litem.
  • See the Claims procedure section for detailed information on submitting a claim.
  • Identified claims (claims where the identity of the driver or owner of the guilty motor vehicle is known) must be lodged with the Fund within 3 years from the date of the accident and must be finalised within 5 years from the date of accident.
  • Hit and Run claims (claims where the identity of the driver or owner of the guilty motor vehicle is unknown) must be lodged with the Fund within 2 years from the date of the accident and must be finalised within 5 years from the date of accident.
  • Claims in terms of an undertaking certificate issued in terms of section 17(4)(a)(ii) of the Act must be lodged and finalised within 5 years from the date on which services were rendered to the injured.
  • The claimant or a representative and/or the supplier can submit claims in terms of the undertaking.
  • In the event of the supplier, written request is required before the assessed liability can be reimbursed.
  • Subject to the terms and conditions of the undertaking certificate, the injured, or the supplier, may claim the costs of accommodation in a hospital or nursing home or treatment of or rendering of a service or supplying of goods to the injured.
  • Where emergency medical treatment is provided to the injured (that is treatment to save the injured’s  life  or a bodily function) the Fund’s liability to compensate the injured or the supplier, as the case may be, is determined in accordance with a prescribed tariff; and
  • Where the treatment provided is of a non-emergency nature the Fund will compensate the reasonable necessary costs of the treatment to the injured, or the supplier, as the case may be.
  1. A tax invoice for medical expenses.
  2. A Service contract, certified copy of the employee’s ID and proof of the costs being incurred for a domestic worker, caregiver and/or gardener.
  3. Details of the vehicle that is being used to transport the injured including the name of the owner and driver, purchase price of the vehicle, type, make and model of the vehicle, Distance traveled and tax invoice from the service provider.
  4. Proof of the costs of special school fees, transport to and from the school and hostel fees before the accident together with the current costs (Tax invoice)
  5. Approved building plans of the house before the accident, photos of the areas which need to be altered and at least 2 fully specified reasonable quotes for the proposed building costs
  • The Road Accident Fund must be offered a reasonable period of time in which to assess its liability in respect of the claims lodged, enter the claims into the relevant computer system, perform the necessary enquiries, and thereafter arrange for Electronic Funds Transfer directly into your, or other nominated bank account.
  • You will be advised by way of a letter which claims have been admitted, how the amount of money paid into the bank account was made up, which claims require further explanation and which claims have been rejected as not being accident related or a claim in terms of the Undertaking.